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W. French Anderson [5]W. F. Anderson [1]
  1. Human Gene therapy: Why draw a line?W. French Anderson - 1989 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 14 (6):681-693.
    Despite widespread agreement that it would be ethical to use somatic cell gene therapy to correct serious diseases, there is still uneasiness on the part of the public about this procedure. The basis for this concern lies less with the procedure's clinical risks than with fear that genetic engineering could lead to changes in human nature. Legitimate concerns about the potential for misuse of gene transfer technology justify drawing a moral line that includes corrective germline therapy but excludes enhancement interventions (...)
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  2. Human Gene therapy: Scientific and ethical considerations.W. French Anderson - 1985 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 10 (3):275-292.
    types of application of genetic engineering for the insertion of genes into humans. The scientific requirements and the ethical issues associated with each type are discussed. Somatic cell gene therapy is technically the simplest and ethically the least controversial. The first clinical trials will probably be undertaken within the next year. Germ line gene therapy will require major advances in our present knowledge and it raises ethical issues that are now being debated. In order to provide guidelines for determining when (...)
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  3. Human Gene Therapy: Scientific Considerations'.W. F. Anderson - forthcoming - Beauchamp, T. And Walters, L.: Contemporary Issues in Bioethics, Belmont, California: Wadsworth.
  4.  29
    Germ-line Gene Therapy: A New Stage of Debate.John C. Fletcher & W. French Anderson - 1992 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 20 (1-2):26-39.
  5.  70
    Genetics and Human Malleability.W. French Anderson - 1990 - Hastings Center Report 20 (1):21-24.
  6.  13
    O nlanuary 19, 1989, the Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Dr. Iames A. Wyn-gaarden, approved our clinical protocol to insert a foreign gene into the. [REVIEW]W. French Anderson - forthcoming - Bioethics: Basic Writings on the Key Ethical Questions That Surround the Major, Modern Biological Possibilities and Problems.
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